How To Shop Online Safely this holiday season?

The world is literally at your fingers. You can shop online for handmade items from across the world without even leaving your home. It’s very tempting to go on a shopping spree the moment your paycheck gets deposited, but if you don’t take precaution then you could fall victim to credit card theft or worse, identity fraud. There are ways to protect yourself from situations like these, but you can always call Total Tech Care 360 if you need extra support, and be sure to install anti-virus protection from Bitdefender or Panda Security.
Shop Online from Safe Websites?
It’s always recommended to shop online at familiar websites. These aren’t necessary websites that you frequent open and that are familiar to you, but websites that are affiliated with businesses that you know to exist. You may have never been to the website for Menards, but you know it exists, so when you go to order some light bulbs or wood planks, or whatever it is people buy from Menards, then you’ll know you’re safe. Watch out for misspellings in the site names and to make sure it’s a .com. Some sneaky hackers try to mimic popular sites to gain credit card information from unknowing individuals.
If you’re ever buying from a website that you’re not entirely sure of, then check to see if it’s SSL protected. SSL stands for secure sockets layer, and it essentially makes sure that all of your credit information is safe during transactions. Have you ever gone to a website and noticed a little golden padlock icon appear in the search bar next to the site’s name? This is because it has SSL installed. If you don’t see the lock,but you’re still not sure, then there’s another way to figure out if it’s at rusted site. If the website begins with HTTP:// then it’s not a trusted or secure site. All secure websites begin with HTTPS:// so you’ll know you’re at a legit location online.
Protect Yourself while you Shop Online
If a website is asking for your social security number or your birthday for you to finish your purchase, then beware. When have you ever gone shopping where the retailer asked you for your birthday? Well, maybe some kitschy retailers who want to send you discount codes on your birthday. But when have you ever gone shopping where the cashier asked you for your social security number? If it raises a red flag in person, it should definitely raise a red flag online.
Most credit cards have an option to set up an online protection. This means that if you ever have your credit card information stolen and money is taken from your account, they can close your card and return your money. Along with this, check your statements regularly so you can catch any fraudulent activity before it goes too far.
Total Tech Care 360 wishes you Happy Holidays and may every day of the new 2019 be filled with joy and happiness.